Home 9 Biographies 9 Celeste Holm

Celeste Holm

Image of Celeste Holm

Image from Northwood University

Celeste Holm (1919-2012) had a long career in theater, movies, and television, entertaining millions of people.

She was in the original casts of several Broadway musicals, including Oklahoma! and The King and I. Her films include Gentleman’s Agreement (1947), The Snake Pit (1948), All About Eve (1950), and Three Men and a Baby (1987). Holm was the president of Arts Horizons and active on the board of the Actor’s Fund. She was appointed chair of the New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Development Commission. President Reagan appointed her to the United States Council on the Arts. Holm also received an honorary degree from Norwood University in 1981, was knighted by the King of Norway, inducted into the Theatre Hall of Fame, and recognized and honored by her peers in the Motion Picture Academy.


Holm, Celeste. 1995. Celeste Holm. [Atlanta, Ga.]: Turner Classic Movies. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/711712259 

Adam Matthew Digital (Firm). 2013. Holm, Celeste. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1114535510

Questions to Explore

What caused Holm to pursue a career in the entertainment industry?

What did holm do to be recognized by President Reagan and the King of Norway?

How has Holm inspired women pursuing a career in the entertainment industry?

Additional Resources

Lazar David. 2020. Celeste Holm Syndrome : On Character Actors from Hollywood’s Golden Age. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. https://www.worldcat.org/title/1151723490

“Holm, Celeste (1919-2012).” The Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance. Oxford University Press, 2011.